In Memoriam XXVII

Gone But Not Forgotten. John William Waterhouse. 1873.
Gone But Not Forgotten. John William Waterhouse. 1873.


In Memoriam XXVII

Alfred Lord Tennyson


I envy not in any moods

The captive void of noble rage,

The linnet born within the cage,

That never knew the summer woods:


I envy not the beast that takes

His license in the field of time,

Unfetter’d by the sense of crime,

To whom a conscience never wakes;


Nor, what may count itself as blest,

The heart that never plighted troth

But stagnates in the weeds of sloth;

Nor any want-begotten rest.


I hold it true, whate’er befall;

I fell it, when I sorrow most;

‘Tis better to have loved and lost

Than never to have loved at all.

2 thoughts on “In Memoriam XXVII”

  1. One of my favorite paintings and one of my favorite poems! Tennyson’s Memoriams never cease to enchant me! The best part of this one INHO is:

    I hold it true, whate’er befall;

    I fell it, when I sorrow most;

    ‘Tis better to have loved and lost

    Than never to have loved at all.

    It’s all so gorgeous! Thank you!

    1. I am looking for a beautiful copy of Tennyson’s Memoriam. They are among my favorite poems.

      The painting was new to me. I was looking for another by Sir Alma Tadema, but found this one instead. I love the watery green.

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