‘There Is No Frigate Like a Book’

Lesendes Mädchen. Otto Scholderer. 1883.


Emily Dickinson


There is no frigate like a book

To take us lands away,

Nor any coursers like a page

Of prancing poetry.

This traverse may the poorest take

Without oppress of toil;

How frugal is the chariot

That bears a human soul!

2 thoughts on “‘There Is No Frigate Like a Book’”

  1. I LOVE this poem!!!

    About the painting, all I have to say is …I WANT THAT DRESS!!!! I am simply fascinated by the fashion of the late 1800s and early 1900s, and just love that time when the empire waist came back!!! So anyways, I really like the model’s dress as you can see… The gold sash is so me! (sigh) :)

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